Friday, March 2, 2012

Why I enjoyed playing Bubsy 3d playstation 1

My favorite forgotten cartoon playstation 1 game.

As you know I have played 2 Bubsy games on snes and I've beaten them and I've found a playstation 1 game Bubsy 3d that I've bought that most video game people called the worst. But the truth is it's not the worst game ever, in fact it was a pretty good game and I'll prove you why.

I mean come on people you can still win the game, even if the controls are stiff and the camera automatically turns overview for every jump you gotta have patience like me. And yes the atoms you fire with requires target aim before it explodes in your face. You have to jump on the nerdy aliens before their guns hurt Bubsy Bobcat. Also Bubsy gets to swim underwater. Also you have to find 2 rocket pieces in all 16 levels total 32 rocket pieces. And you get to fight 4 alien bosses. And the game is winnable.

I enjoyed the 2 cute funny cartoon movie introduction and ending with the aliens at the meeting and the 18 intermission scenes. I even enjoyed the military march music and the eerie music it was wonderful and made me happy. I find it funny that Bubsy wears only a shirt but no pants or shoes so you can see his furry bottom. Next time you come across a review article about Bubsy 3d don't believe them because they only complain about it and are usually ungrateful and rant alot.

You know in my theory, the reason why Bubsy Bobcat turns slow and looks down while he jumps is probably because he's got dizzy from the fog in planet Rayon and he does talk like a crazy cartoon character. By the way I've won Bubsy 3d game to perfection.

Now even though I liked Bubsy 3d there are alot of video game critics and audiences that boo and blast at Bubsy 3d playstation 1 and you know what I've found out. They are ungrateful picky video game people that like video games to be perfect in every way and have only perfect controls. And that makes me annoyed because no one is perfect and you can't always have your way in video games and it's hard to make video games especially when your work is rushed. Yes it's true that there are better made games like Spyro the Dragon has flexible controls. But I'm glad Accolade made Bubsy 3d. I'm glad it was made because it's a good game and best of all no swearing and no nasty violence. Only funny cartoon violence found in cartoon TV shows.

I do feel sorry for the Accolade company who were doing their best to make a good rated E Bubsy game and the video game people worked hard. The video game critics and audiences are fault finders looking only for mistakes and not focusing on the good in video games. And you have to remember Accolade company hasn't had experience with working with 3d games before.

I want to thank those that made Bubsy 1,2 and Bubsy 3d thank you for your hard work. I liked the instrumental music in it and the funny scenes in the game. Thanks Bubsy Bobcat creators for bringing joy to my life. I miss Bubsy Bobcat games and I'm sad there hasn't been anymore made since Bubsy 3d and I hope Bubsy Bobcat can one day comeback even in the afterlife. And one day I hope video game people will learn to be thankful people made video games and not be mean to video game makers.

In conclusion I just want you people to know there are much worse playstation games mainly ones that swear alot or have naughty pictures, or extreme violence, or have very bad glitches that make games not winnable. Those games I find horrible even the swearing and the naughty pictures and extreme violence and negative behavior I find offensive because I'm a Christan and I still believe in religion.

Now please don't blast at the game anymore I like this game and if you don't like it please don't be rude or swear about it. I will always remember it for the good and fun it had I hope that this blog article review helped you out thanks for reading.

One day I'll have a chance to remake Bubsy 3d with better graphics and controls and hopefully get it remade on Playstation 3,4 or Nintendo Wii U.