Monday, March 28, 2011

Big hollywood studios vs house studios

Now today I want to talk about a new way of making movies and TV shows and hopefully video games. As you know running a big movie studio is a big money drainer because you're paying rent on a movie studio like $5,000 to $10,000 per month to rent compared with owning and renting a house which can cost about $800 to $1,000 to rent, but if you own a house and payed it off completely like a $100,000 house then we solved the property bill ownership. Now with that in mind let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of owning a big studio vs setting up a house studio.

Big Hollywood Studio ownership advantages

1. You have investors helping you out with your movies and as a director you can be in charge.
2. You can give people jobs as actors, actress, singers, musicians, prop artists to help you out
3. You have all the equipment like cameras, special effects, lighting and you have more options and ways to make your movie or TV show including your cartoons look real fancy.
4. If your movie or TV show you make goes well you can make millions and billions of dollars
5. You can make live action films with real people in it and it can be accepted into movie theaters and TV station channels and you can make arcade machines.
6. People work together for one goal and help you finish your movie and TV show.

Downsides of a big hollywood studio

1. Running a big studio can be super expensive even making you go into unwanted debt.
2. You have to pay actors, actress, singers, musicians, prop artists alot money or they get mad at you and even sue you.
3. You have to deal with peoples problems including their health, safety, and you have to deal with people swearing, talking rude, or being annoying everyday they work for you.
4. If your actors commits a crime like stealing stuff or killing someone then you have to fire them. Also if they quit on you or get in accident that cripples them for life or kills them then it messes up you film production and you either have to start over or find a replacement actor.
5. You get unwanted fame like annoying cameraman that wants to take your picture and not give you any privacy which can get annoying or even dangerous.
6. You have alot of meetings you have to go to everyday to discuss your movie plans.
7. Alot of times in a big studio if you're trying to be an actor or singer at tryouts most of the time you get rejected or ignored.
8. As an actor you have a movie or TV director telling you what to do and having you do stuff you don't want to do like say swear words for a movie or TV show or do a naughty sex scene or do dangerous violent stunts or withstand the fighting scenes you have to suffer through.
9. It takes a long time to make 1 movie like about 6 to 12 months due to delays.
10. Some actors including famous actors can have dirty habits like smoking, drinking beer, taking drugs, or gambling their money away.

The list goes on but anyways my point is it's a rough business being either an actor or actress, or being a director, or prop artist, or a singer or musician and owning and maintaining your big studio. The biggest problem lies in the movie studio that can cost you big money so that makes you do movies at a tighter budget. Not a very fun way to make movies. So with that said let's look at the advantages of setting up a media studio in your house.

Small house studio advantages

1. It's not as expensive as running a big movie studio saving alot of money in the long run.
2. You can do movies, radio plays, TV shows, music, video games all on a desktop computer.
3. If you're good at making music, art pictures, and making up stories then you can create cartoon or computer animated videos without much help.
4. You can put recorded music and radio plays on a blank CD and you can put recorded movies and TV shows on a blank DVD and sell paper books to make it ready to sell to people online.
5. You don't need investors and you don't have to deal with landlords and you don't get unwanted fame or annoying cameraman bothering you.
6. You can concentrate easier on your movie or TV project.
7. You can hire or invite your friends and family members to do voice acting or act for your movie or TV show and you don't have to pay them much.
8. You don't have to quit your current job so you can make your movie at home and still earn income.
9. You don't have to worry about spending too much money or get into debt so even if your movie and TV show does flop you won't lose very much money whereas movie studios do lose alot of money if their movie flops.
10. You can make alot of movies, TV shows and video games alot faster and if you make money you can be rich and have enough to support your family and you're in control of your studio.

Downsides of a small house studio

1. Most of the time you're on your own to make movies, TV shows and video games and this can be time consuming.
2. Although you can make real good cartoons and computer animation on a computer the live action films with real people will require you to go on a cheap budget and look for a film location or indoor studio to do your films and that can be rough without business help.
3. It can be time consuming to make paper books, CD albums, and DVD videos and to sell.
4. You may not be able to get your movie at a big theater or TV station or make an arcade machine.
5. It will be harder to protect your movies from copyright theft or stolen movies so you need to create a vault to store and keep them safe.
6. The live action videos with people actors will be hard to do because they are often busy with their lives so careful planning is required.
7. Making movies and TV shows requires art, music and writing skills and you may need to hire a professional artist and a professional musician. But you can always make stories by yourself.
8. It usually is hard to get your home movie or TV and video game have an age rating on it.

The list goes on but after looking at the 2 types of studios my advice for actors, musicians, artists and directors is don't go to Hollywood because often times you'll get rejected and stay at home and make movies on a Windows desktop computer or iMac computer or a laptop and be sure to buy a video camera. Buy computer art programs like Anime Studios or Toon Boom, for the music by Finale Printmusic or Songwriter and have a piano keyboard. And make sure your can write your stories on word programs like Microsoft word or Word perfect. But if you want your movie to be like the hollywood live action film then you can rent a bigger studio or outdoor location but keep in mind it will cost you money and you'll have to hire actors so don't plan on making much live action movies and TV shows. But one day the big Hollywood studios will be a thing of the past due to the uprise of independent home studios with video cameras and a desktop computer and one day Holodecks will spell the end of big movie studios.