That’s the question I have. For years Hollywood studios have been making movies and TV shows on a big budget. For the real people movies and TV shows the movie directors usually had two ways to make movies either film in a big studio stage with all of the fake stage props or film outside and in normal buildings at real outdoor locations. Now for the cartoons people drew, the artist did them mostly in a big studio building and the same goes for computer animation and video game art. But the biggest drawback is the high cost of owning or renting a movie stage studio with the annoying landlords, investors, and the tax people requiring you to pay every month or year or else they take your movie studio away or kick you out of business. Also another problem Hollywood studios has is being too picky with actors and actress at the talent show tryouts and most of the time they reject actors for rude or strange reasons. This is very discouraging to people that want to act in movies, TV shows and video games. Another problem is getting unwanted fame from cameraman taking pictures rudely and annoying you as well. This is the life of big Hollywood studios and it’s not all glamorous and they’ve been doing it for years since the early 1900s of course they’ve made real good movies and TV shows from the 1900s to the end of the 1970s. But sadly the majority of movies and TV shows from the 1980s to 2010s had a flood of swearing and cursing in them and naked people scenes and extreme violence and toilet humor and all that negative PG-13 and rated R junk and that’s why we have nasty youtube videos all because current Hollywood movies TV shows taught people that swearing and being rude is okay. This is not good and we need Independent films inside a house to help bring back decency to media mostly lost. Yes there will come a day when big movie studios will no longer be needed and they’ll become studio museums, or ghost studios or storage area for equipment.